PND handling via CLI and database
- PNDs can be created and deleted using the CLI.
- When you start goSDN it is checked which PNDs already exist and the respective instances are created.
changed milestone to %v0.0.2 - The Hunt for Red November
created merge request !76 (closed) to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !76 (closed)
@istmabauc: One request for the PND handling: We will rely on self-signed/generated TLS certificates for the prototyping and potentially also for the first lab environments. There are two ways to handled this: provide the signing authority to goSDN or allow some sort of hack: store the fingerprint of the TLS certificate with the information about the PND's SBI ochestrated network device (OND), i.e., one of the aristas or freebsd-as. This is probably just a string field attached to the particular OND (i.e., beyond IP address and port and used SBI protocol)
created merge request !97 (merged) to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !97 (merged)