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Prioritized labels 13

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • prioritycritical
    danet / goSDN
    This task blocks others and needs to be done ASAP
  • priorityhigh
    danet / goSDN
    This task needs to be prioritized
  • prioritymedium
    danet / goSDN
    This task is of usual importance
  • prioritylow
    danet / goSDN
    This task is not of pressing priority
  • This task needs attention
  • This task is currently in progress
  • statussuspended
    danet / goSDN
    This task is susoended for now but can be picked up later
  • This task is complete
  • typebug
    danet / goSDN
    Something that needs to be fixed
  • typeinvestigation
    danet / goSDN
    Something that needs to be investigated
  • typeimprovement
    danet / goSDN
    Something to improve or optimize
  • typefeature
    danet / goSDN
    Something new to implement
  • Other labels 21

  • componentci
    danet / goSDN
    This task is related to CI
  • componentdatabase
    danet / goSDN
    This task is mainly database related
  • componentevent-system
    danet / goSDN
    The task is mainly related to the event system, e.g. the amqp broker and the pub/sub mechanism.
  • componentnbi
    danet / goSDN
    This task is mainly NBI related
  • componentnucleus
    danet / goSDN
    This task is mainly related to the core
  • componentplugin
    danet / goSDN
    This task is mainly related to gosdn plugins
  • componentplugin-registry
    danet / goSDN
    The task is mainly plugin-registry related.
  • componentsbi
    danet / goSDN
    This task is mainly sbi related
  • mpsd
    danet / goSDN
    This label is related to the mpsd at VGU.
  • sort
    danet / goSDN
    Issue is related to MPSE: SDN Controller for Operations, Research, and Teaching
  • statusavailable
    danet / goSDN
    This task is available for someone to work on
  • statusdesign
    This task that needs to be designed
  • statusreview
    This task in in review
  • typetest
    danet / goSDN
    This task implements tests for a functionality.