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Fork of the bio-rd project.
bio routing is a project to create a versatile, fast and reliable routing daemon in Golang. bio = BGP + IS-IS + OSPF
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This project contains source code samples for compiler techology, in support of Prof. R. C. Moore's "Compiler Costruction" class (FbI, h_da).
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This project contains source code samples for compiler techology, in support of Prof. R. C. Moore's "Compiler Costruction" class (FbI, h_da).
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Simple Http-Webserver written in C++ with the goal of high performance and versatility. This is purely an educational project and not suitable for any kind of production use. Many parts of the HTTP spec are not implemented (or at least not correctly)
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A simple datastore application speaking Thrift, gRPC and TCP+ProtoBuf for the exam 2020/2021
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Hier sind Anleitungen der Fachgruppe Datenbanken zu für die Lehrveranstaltungen des Bereichs relevanten Themen aufgeführt.
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my dwm fork based on old version of lukesmithxyz's fork: https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/dwm
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External storage plugins, provisioners, and helper libraries https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage
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