Resolve "Creating a new device with type plugin just returns a normal device"
requested to merge 175-creating-a-new-device-with-type-plugin-just-returns-a-normal-device into develop
This commit is a interim solution that allows to create new devices with the
--type plugin
flag. The orchestrator will only request capabilities of the provided device and build/return all the necessary files. Therefore the api has been adjusted to allow to 'only' create gostructs and do not fire up a whole csbi. -
Additionaly the issue #176 (closed) has been addressed and the bug while creating multiple cSBIs has been fixed. Appending to the
string of the globalSouthboundStruct
was the root cause for this bug. Creating a copy ofSouthboundStruct
and using the copy in the process fixes this issue.
Related Issue
Closes #175 (closed)
Edited by Malte Bauch