fsm *FSM
addressFamily *fsmAddressFamily
options *packet.EncodeOptions
iBGP bool
rrClient bool
toSendMu sync.Mutex
toSend map[string]*pathPfxs
destroyCh chan struct{}
type pathPfxs struct {
path *route.Path
pfxs []bnet.Prefix
func newUpdateSender(fsm *FSM, afi uint16, safi uint8) *UpdateSender {
f := fsm.addressFamily(afi, safi)
fsm: fsm,
addressFamily: f,
iBGP: fsm.peer.localASN == fsm.peer.peerASN,
rrClient: fsm.peer.routeReflectorClient,
destroyCh: make(chan struct{}),
toSend: make(map[string]*pathPfxs),
options: &packet.EncodeOptions{
Use32BitASN: fsm.supports4OctetASN,
// Start starts the update sender
func (u *UpdateSender) Start(aggrTime time.Duration) {
go u.sender(aggrTime)
// Destroy destroys everything (with greetings to Hatebreed)
func (u *UpdateSender) Destroy() {
u.destroyCh <- struct{}{}
// AddPath adds path p for pfx to toSend queue
func (u *UpdateSender) AddPath(pfx bnet.Prefix, p *route.Path) error {
hash := p.BGPPath.ComputeHash()
if _, exists := u.toSend[hash]; exists {
u.toSend[hash].pfxs = append(u.toSend[hash].pfxs, pfx)
u.toSend[p.BGPPath.ComputeHash()] = &pathPfxs{
path: p,
pfxs: []bnet.Prefix{
return nil
// sender serializes BGP update messages
func (u *UpdateSender) sender(aggrTime time.Duration) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(aggrTime)
var err error
var pathAttrs *packet.PathAttribute
var budget int
for {
select {
case <-u.destroyCh:
case <-ticker.C:
for key, pathNLRIs := range u.toSend {
budget = packet.MaxLen - packet.HeaderLen - packet.MinUpdateLen - int(pathNLRIs.path.BGPPath.Length()) - overhead
Maximilian Wilhelm
pathAttrs, err = packet.PathAttributes(pathNLRIs.path, u.iBGP, u.rrClient)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to get path attributes: %v", err)
updatesPrefixes := make([][]bnet.Prefix, 0, 1)
prefixes := make([]bnet.Prefix, 0, 1)
for _, pfx := range pathNLRIs.pfxs {
if budget < 0 {
updatesPrefixes = append(updatesPrefixes, prefixes)
budget = packet.MaxLen - int(pathNLRIs.path.BGPPath.Length()) - overhead
prefixes = append(prefixes, pfx)
if len(prefixes) > 0 {
updatesPrefixes = append(updatesPrefixes, prefixes)
delete(u.toSend, key)
u.sendUpdates(pathAttrs, updatesPrefixes, pathNLRIs.path.BGPPath.PathIdentifier)
if u.addressFamily.afi == packet.IPv4AFI && !u.addressFamily.multiProtocol {
if u.addressFamily.afi == packet.IPv6AFI {
addrLen = packet.IPv6Len
// since we are replacing the next hop attribute IPv4Len has to be subtracted, we also add another byte for extended length
return packet.AFILen + packet.SAFILen + 1 + addrLen - packet.IPv4Len + 1
func (u *UpdateSender) sendUpdates(pathAttrs *packet.PathAttribute, updatePrefixes [][]bnet.Prefix, pathID uint32) {
var err error
for _, prefixes := range updatePrefixes {
update := u.updateMessageForPrefixes(prefixes, pathAttrs, pathID)
if update == nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to create update: Neighbor does not support multi protocol.")
err = serializeAndSendUpdate(u.fsm.con, update, u.options)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to serialize and send: %v", err)
func (u *UpdateSender) updateMessageForPrefixes(pfxs []bnet.Prefix, pa *packet.PathAttribute, pathID uint32) *packet.BGPUpdate {
if u.addressFamily.afi == packet.IPv4AFI && !u.addressFamily.multiProtocol {
return u.bgpUpdate(pfxs, pa, pathID)
if u.addressFamily.multiProtocol {
return u.bgpUpdateMultiProtocol(pfxs, pa, pathID)
func (u *UpdateSender) bgpUpdate(pfxs []bnet.Prefix, pa *packet.PathAttribute, pathID uint32) *packet.BGPUpdate {
update := &packet.BGPUpdate{
PathAttributes: pa,
var nlri *packet.NLRI
for _, pfx := range pfxs {
nlri = &packet.NLRI{
PathIdentifier: pathID,
return update
func (u *UpdateSender) bgpUpdateMultiProtocol(pfxs []bnet.Prefix, pa *packet.PathAttribute, pathID uint32) *packet.BGPUpdate {
pa, nextHop := u.copyAttributesWithoutNextHop(pa)
attrs := &packet.PathAttribute{
TypeCode: packet.MultiProtocolReachNLRICode,
Value: packet.MultiProtocolReachNLRI{
AFI: u.addressFamily.afi,
SAFI: u.addressFamily.safi,
NextHop: nextHop,
NLRI: u.nlriForPrefixes(pfxs, pathID),
attrs.Next = pa
return &packet.BGPUpdate{
PathAttributes: attrs,
func (u *UpdateSender) nlriForPrefixes(pfxs []bnet.Prefix, pathID uint32) *packet.NLRI {
var prev, res *packet.NLRI
for _, pfx := range pfxs {
cur := &packet.NLRI{
Prefix: pfx,
PathIdentifier: pathID,
if res == nil {
res = cur
prev = cur
prev.Next = cur
prev = cur
return res
func (u *UpdateSender) copyAttributesWithoutNextHop(pa *packet.PathAttribute) (attrs *packet.PathAttribute, nextHop bnet.IP) {
var curCopy, lastCopy *packet.PathAttribute
if cur.TypeCode == packet.NextHopAttr {
nextHop = cur.Value.(bnet.IP)
} else {
curCopy = cur.Copy()
if lastCopy == nil {
attrs = curCopy
} else {
lastCopy.Next = curCopy
lastCopy = curCopy
func (u *UpdateSender) RemovePath(pfx bnet.Prefix, p *route.Path) bool {
err := u.withdrawPrefix(u.fsm.con, pfx, p)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to withdraw prefix: %v", err)
return false
func (u *UpdateSender) withdrawPrefix(out io.Writer, pfx bnet.Prefix, p *route.Path) error {
if p.Type != route.BGPPathType {
return errors.New("wrong path type, expected BGPPathType")
if p.BGPPath == nil {
return errors.New("got nil BGPPath")
if u.addressFamily.afi == packet.IPv4AFI && !u.addressFamily.multiProtocol {
return u.withdrawPrefixIPv4(out, pfx, p)
if !u.addressFamily.multiProtocol {
return fmt.Errorf(packet.AFIName(u.addressFamily.afi) + " was not negotiated")
return u.withdrawPrefixMultiProtocol(out, pfx, p)
func (u *UpdateSender) withdrawPrefixIPv4(out io.Writer, pfx bnet.Prefix, p *route.Path) error {
update := &packet.BGPUpdate{
WithdrawnRoutes: &packet.NLRI{
PathIdentifier: p.BGPPath.PathIdentifier,
return serializeAndSendUpdate(out, update, u.options)
func (u *UpdateSender) withdrawPrefixMultiProtocol(out io.Writer, pfx bnet.Prefix, p *route.Path) error {
pathID := uint32(0)
if p.BGPPath != nil {
pathID = p.BGPPath.PathIdentifier
update := &packet.BGPUpdate{
PathAttributes: &packet.PathAttribute{
TypeCode: packet.MultiProtocolUnreachNLRICode,
Value: packet.MultiProtocolUnreachNLRI{
AFI: u.addressFamily.afi,
SAFI: u.addressFamily.safi,
Prefixes: []bnet.Prefix{pfx},
PathID: pathID,
return serializeAndSendUpdate(out, update, u.options)
func (u *UpdateSender) UpdateNewClient(client routingtable.RouteTableClient) error {
log.Warningf("BGP Update Sender: UpdateNewClient not implemented")
// RouteCount returns the number of stored routes
func (u *UpdateSender) RouteCount() int64 {
log.Warningf("BGP Update Sender: RouteCount not implemented")
return 0