Spellcheck read & cleanup mdBook
Read mdBook and check for spelling / grammar mistakes
Cleanup abandoned chapters -
Motivation:Motivation -
Motivation:Inteligence -
Setup including sub-chapters -
Limitations of the Raspberry Pi -
Algorithm Overview -
Mathematical Models -
Neural Networks -
Linear & Polynomial Regression -
Logistic Regression -
Support Vector Machine -
Support Vector Regression -
Naive Bayes -
Decision Trees -
Building Decision Trees -
Random Forrest -
K-Means (was proofread but is missing sources) -
K-Nearest Neighbors -
Single Layer Perceptron -
Multi-Layer-Perceptron -
Deep Neural Network (was proofread but is missing sources) -
Convolutional Neural Networks -
Auto-Encoder -
Recurrent Neural Networks -
Long-Short-Term Memory
Edited by Daniel Müller