package route

import "fmt"

type Path struct {
	Type       uint8
	StaticPath *StaticPath
	BGPPath    *BGPPath

// Compare returns negative if p < q, 0 if paths are equal, positive if p > q
func (p *Path) Compare(q *Path) int8 {
	if p.Type > q.Type {
		return 1

	if p.Type < q.Type {
		return -1

	switch p.Type {
	case BGPPathType:
		return p.BGPPath.Compare(q.BGPPath)
	case StaticPathType:
		return p.StaticPath.Compare(q.StaticPath)

	panic("Unknown path type")

func (p *Path) ECMP(q *Path) bool {
	switch p.Type {
	case BGPPathType:
		return p.BGPPath.ECMP(q.BGPPath)
	case StaticPathType:
		return p.StaticPath.ECMP(q.StaticPath)

	panic("Unknown path type")

func (p *Path) Equal(q *Path) bool {
	if p == nil || q == nil {
		return false

	if p.Type != q.Type {
		return false

	switch p.Type {
	case BGPPathType:
		if *p.BGPPath != *q.BGPPath {
			return false

	return true

// PathsDiff gets the list of elements contained by a but not b
func PathsDiff(a, b []*Path) []*Path {
	ret := make([]*Path, 0)

	for _, pa := range a {
		if !pathsContains(pa, b) {
			ret = append(ret, pa)

	return ret

func pathsContains(needle *Path, haystack []*Path) bool {
	for _, p := range haystack {
		if p == needle {
			return true

	return false

func (p *Path) Print() string {
	protocol := ""
	switch p.Type {
	case StaticPathType:
		protocol = "static"
	case BGPPathType:
		protocol = "BGP"

	ret := fmt.Sprintf("\tProtocol: %s\n", protocol)
	switch p.Type {
	case StaticPathType:
		ret += "Not implemented yet"
	case BGPPathType:
		ret += p.BGPPath.Print()

	return ret