package packet import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "net" "" ) type DecodingOptions struct { Supports4OctetASN bool } // Decode decodes a BGP message func Decode(buf *bytes.Buffer, opt *DecodingOptions) (*BGPMessage, error) { hdr, err := decodeHeader(buf) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode header: %v", err) } body, err := decodeMsgBody(buf, hdr.Type, hdr.Length-MinLen, opt) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode message: %v", err) } return &BGPMessage{ Header: hdr, Body: body, }, nil } func decodeMsgBody(buf *bytes.Buffer, msgType uint8, l uint16, opt *DecodingOptions) (interface{}, error) { switch msgType { case OpenMsg: return decodeOpenMsg(buf) case UpdateMsg: return decodeUpdateMsg(buf, l, opt) case KeepaliveMsg: return nil, nil // Nothing to decode in Keepalive message case NotificationMsg: return decodeNotificationMsg(buf) } return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown message type: %d", msgType) } func decodeUpdateMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, l uint16, opt *DecodingOptions) (*BGPUpdate, error) { msg := &BGPUpdate{} err := decode(buf, []interface{}{&msg.WithdrawnRoutesLen}) if err != nil { return msg, err } msg.WithdrawnRoutes, err = decodeNLRIs(buf, uint16(msg.WithdrawnRoutesLen)) if err != nil { return msg, err } err = decode(buf, []interface{}{&msg.TotalPathAttrLen}) if err != nil { return msg, err } msg.PathAttributes, err = decodePathAttrs(buf, msg.TotalPathAttrLen, opt) if err != nil { return msg, err } nlriLen := uint16(l) - 4 - uint16(msg.TotalPathAttrLen) - uint16(msg.WithdrawnRoutesLen) if nlriLen > 0 { msg.NLRI, err = decodeNLRIs(buf, nlriLen) if err != nil { return msg, err } } return msg, nil } func decodeNotificationMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer) (*BGPNotification, error) { msg := &BGPNotification{} fields := []interface{}{ &msg.ErrorCode, &msg.ErrorSubcode, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return msg, err } if msg.ErrorCode > Cease { return msg, fmt.Errorf("Invalid error code: %d", msg.ErrorSubcode) } switch msg.ErrorCode { case MessageHeaderError: if msg.ErrorSubcode > BadMessageType || msg.ErrorSubcode == 0 { return invalidErrCode(msg) } case OpenMessageError: if msg.ErrorSubcode > UnacceptableHoldTime || msg.ErrorSubcode == 0 || msg.ErrorSubcode == DeprecatedOpenMsgError5 { return invalidErrCode(msg) } case UpdateMessageError: if msg.ErrorSubcode > MalformedASPath || msg.ErrorSubcode == 0 || msg.ErrorSubcode == DeprecatedUpdateMsgError7 { return invalidErrCode(msg) } case HoldTimeExpired: if msg.ErrorSubcode != 0 { return invalidErrCode(msg) } case FiniteStateMachineError: if msg.ErrorSubcode != 0 { return invalidErrCode(msg) } case Cease: if !(msg.ErrorSubcode == 0 || msg.ErrorSubcode == AdministrativeShutdown || msg.ErrorSubcode == AdministrativeReset) { return invalidErrCode(msg) } default: return invalidErrCode(msg) } return msg, nil } func invalidErrCode(n *BGPNotification) (*BGPNotification, error) { return n, fmt.Errorf("Invalid error sub code: %d/%d", n.ErrorCode, n.ErrorSubcode) } func decodeOpenMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer) (*BGPOpen, error) { msg, err := _decodeOpenMsg(buf) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode OPEN message: %v", err) } return msg.(*BGPOpen), err } func _decodeOpenMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer) (interface{}, error) { msg := &BGPOpen{} fields := []interface{}{ &msg.Version, &msg.ASN, &msg.HoldTime, &msg.BGPIdentifier, &msg.OptParmLen, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return msg, err } err = validateOpen(msg) if err != nil { return nil, err } msg.OptParams, err = decodeOptParams(buf, msg.OptParmLen) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode optional parameters: %v", err) } return msg, nil } func decodeOptParams(buf *bytes.Buffer, optParmLen uint8) ([]OptParam, error) { optParams := make([]OptParam, 0) read := uint8(0) for read < optParmLen { o := OptParam{} fields := []interface{}{ &o.Type, &o.Length, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return nil, err } read += 2 switch o.Type { case CapabilitiesParamType: caps, err := decodeCapabilities(buf, o.Length) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode capabilites: %v", err) } o.Value = caps optParams = append(optParams, o) for _, cap := range caps { read += cap.Length + 2 } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized option: %d", o.Type) } } return optParams, nil } func decodeCapabilities(buf *bytes.Buffer, length uint8) (Capabilities, error) { ret := make(Capabilities, 0) read := uint8(0) for read < length { cap, err := decodeCapability(buf) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode capability: %v", err) } ret = append(ret, cap) read += cap.Length + 2 } return ret, nil } func decodeCapability(buf *bytes.Buffer) (Capability, error) { cap := Capability{} fields := []interface{}{ &cap.Code, &cap.Length, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return cap, err } switch cap.Code { case AddPathCapabilityCode: addPathCap, err := decodeAddPathCapability(buf) if err != nil { return cap, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode add path capability") } cap.Value = addPathCap case ASN4CapabilityCode: asn4Cap, err := decodeASN4Capability(buf) if err != nil { return cap, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decode 4 octet ASN capability") } cap.Value = asn4Cap default: for i := uint8(0); i < cap.Length; i++ { _, err := buf.ReadByte() if err != nil { return cap, fmt.Errorf("Read failed: %v", err) } } } return cap, nil } func decodeAddPathCapability(buf *bytes.Buffer) (AddPathCapability, error) { addPathCap := AddPathCapability{} fields := []interface{}{ &addPathCap.AFI, &addPathCap.SAFI, &addPathCap.SendReceive, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return addPathCap, err } return addPathCap, nil } func decodeASN4Capability(buf *bytes.Buffer) (ASN4Capability, error) { asn4Cap := ASN4Capability{} fields := []interface{}{ &asn4Cap.ASN4, } err := decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return asn4Cap, err } return asn4Cap, nil } func validateOpen(msg *BGPOpen) error { if msg.Version != BGP4Version { return BGPError{ ErrorCode: OpenMessageError, ErrorSubCode: UnsupportedVersionNumber, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported version number"), } } if !isValidIdentifier(msg.BGPIdentifier) { return BGPError{ ErrorCode: OpenMessageError, ErrorSubCode: BadBGPIdentifier, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid BGP identifier"), } } return nil } func isValidIdentifier(id uint32) bool { addr := net.IP(convert.Uint32Byte(id)) if addr.IsLoopback() { return false } if addr.IsMulticast() { return false } if addr[0] == 0 { return false } if addr[0] == 255 && addr[1] == 255 && addr[2] == 255 && addr[3] == 255 { return false } return true } func decodeHeader(buf *bytes.Buffer) (*BGPHeader, error) { hdr := &BGPHeader{} marker := make([]byte, MarkerLen) n, err := buf.Read(marker) if err != nil { return hdr, BGPError{ ErrorCode: Cease, ErrorSubCode: 0, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to read from buffer: %v", err.Error()), } } if n != MarkerLen { return hdr, BGPError{ ErrorCode: Cease, ErrorSubCode: 0, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to read marker"), } } for i := range marker { if marker[i] != 255 { return nil, BGPError{ ErrorCode: MessageHeaderError, ErrorSubCode: ConnectionNotSync, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid marker: %v", marker), } } } fields := []interface{}{ &hdr.Length, &hdr.Type, } err = decode(buf, fields) if err != nil { return hdr, BGPError{ ErrorCode: Cease, ErrorSubCode: 0, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err.Error()), } } if hdr.Length < MinLen || hdr.Length > MaxLen { return hdr, BGPError{ ErrorCode: MessageHeaderError, ErrorSubCode: BadMessageLength, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid length in BGP header: %v", hdr.Length), } } if hdr.Type > KeepaliveMsg || hdr.Type == 0 { return hdr, BGPError{ ErrorCode: MessageHeaderError, ErrorSubCode: BadMessageType, ErrorStr: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid message type: %d", hdr.Type), } } return hdr, nil } func decode(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields []interface{}) error { var err error for _, field := range fields { err = binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, field) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read from buffer: %v", err) } } return nil }