/* List of projects/orgs using your project for the users page */
const users = [
const siteConfig = {
title: 'dep' /* title for your website */,
tagline: 'Dependency management for Go',
url: '' /* your website url */,
baseUrl: '/dep/' /* base url for your project */,
editUrl: '',
projectName: 'dep',
headerLinks: [
{doc: 'introduction', label: 'Documentation'},
{blog: true, label: 'Blog'},
/* path to images for header/footer */
headerIcon: 'docs/assets/DigbyFlat.svg',
footerIcon: 'docs/assets/DigbyShadowsScene2.svg',
favicon: 'docs/assets/DigbyScene2Flat.png',
/* colors for website */
colors: {
secondaryColor: '#243f75',
primaryColor: '#375eab',
algolia: {
apiKey: "0b4cdbc6bb41efe17ed7176afcb23441",
indexName: "golang_dep"
// This copyright info is used in /core/Footer.js and blog rss/atom feeds.
'Copyright © ' +
new Date().getFullYear() +
' The Go Authors',
organizationName: 'golang', // or set an env variable ORGANIZATION_NAME
projectName: 'dep', // or set an env variable PROJECT_NAME
highlight: {
// Highlight.js theme to use for syntax highlighting in code blocks
theme: 'default',
scripts: [''],
// You may provide arbitrary config keys to be used as needed by your template.
repoUrl: '',
module.exports = siteConfig;